Sharing with you my passion

Sharing with you my passion

Some of the greatest moments I had in my wines lover life had been to share some precious times with winemakers such as Alphonse Mellot senior, Gerard Grebet, André Dezat, Henry d’Assay or Pierre Prieur. Despite their awareness and success they always gave me more than I was expected. Whatever your knowledge about wines, your age or condition they will share with you their time and passion. They give you the feeling that you’re a part of a family, their family. The family of the wine lovers without boundaries.

By creating Paris Wine Day Tours some years ago it’s what I wanted to offer to my guests. Maybe we will not have the time to spend hours with them but the time we will spend would be the most authentic and friendly as possible. Enjoying a glass of wine is always better with friends. It’s really the atmosphere I tried to give to our wine tours.

As much as we can we will try to let you have unusual experiences during the tours. Why not tasting some wines directly from the barrels? Pruning the grapes during harvests time! Bottling some nice wines with the winemaker! Hearing the bubbles in an oak barrel during the fermentation time! It’s all about what I love to do myself. Why not doing it with us by choosing to spend a day or more with Paris Wine Day Tours.

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